THURNE in cooperation with Lugaia is presenting Continuous Liner Systems in various sizes, lengths, folding heights, and diameters and made of different foil materials.
Continuous Liner Systems have proven to be one of the most effective means for protecting your staff and products. Axial folding enables film lengths of up to 80 meters. Fold height and foil length are dependent upon film thickness. Special CLS liner sizes for customer-specific foils are also available.
Custom foil material:
Continuous Liners can be manufactured from a customized packaging foil material (e.g. PE with antistatic characteristics, pure PE for primary packaging, PE with antistatic or conductive grid printing, barrier foils, custom foils etc.)
Folding technique:
Thanks to a special axial fold made from tubular foil, the Continuous Liner allows packaging in different manufactured sizes. With this folding process, it is possible to fold a maximum foil length (up to 80 m) into the smallest space available. This decreases the frequency of needed changes of the Continuous Liner packaging which saves time and costs.
Clean room assembly:
The best tailored and quality-guaranteed processes for our customers are available in 3 Continuous Liner clean room classes: ISO 5, ISO 7, and ISO 8.
High Containment Solution:
For sealing and separating, the Continuous Liner will be using the SafeSeal Closure System. Whereby an OEB 5 (<1μg/m3) Containment-Level can be guaranteed.
Watch the video about the Continuous Liner System – CLS here
Read the brochure Continuous Liner System here
Would you like to know more about this product scope or discuss your future projects? Please contact the Thurne specialist if you would like to learn more about containment solutions.

Magnus Karlström
Product Sales ManagerMAGNUS KARLSTRÖM
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Direct Phone: +46 8 5576 9333
Mobile: +46 709 326 731

Jari Valkama
Product Sales ManagerJARI VALKAMA
Product Sales Manager
M.Sc. Chemical Engineering
Mobile: +358 40 869 7736

Andris Putnins
Product Sales ManagerANDRIS PUTNINS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science
Direct Phone: +371 6616 3763
Mobile: +371 2689 6799

Adam Katia
Product Sales ManagerADAM KATIA
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Engineer
Mobile: +45 31 14 88 62