THURNE in cooperation with MERSEN presents Polyblock TSR.
Mersen’s new TSR block stands for “Thermal Stress Resistant”. It offers a significantly improved resistance to internal stresses caused by extremely rapid temperature changes thanks to its unique design.
TSR blocks are fully interchangeable with standard, i.e. non-TSR blocks, manufactured in Mersen’s Graphilor BS, XBS, XTH, or XC materials, regardless of type, shape, or drilling diameters. TSR blocks provide additional operational safety and reliability, allowing users to concentrate on production rather than on maintenance.
Read more about Polybloc TSR in the brochure here
Would you like to know more about this product scope or discuss your future projects? Please contact the Thurne specialist if you would like to learn more about anticorrosion solutions.

Carolina Nealis
Product Sales ManagerCAROLINA NEALIS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering
M.Sc. Macromolecular Materials
Mobile: +46 (0) 735985448

Olli-Pekka Tikkanen
Product Sales ManagerOLLI-PEKKA TIKKANEN
Product Sales Manager
B. Sc. Chemical Engineering
Mobile: +358 40 730 8464

Andris Putnins
Product Sales ManagerANDRIS PUTNINS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science
Direct Phone: +371 6616 3763
Mobile: +371 2689 6799

Rafi Malekzadeh
Head of Sales, DenmarkRAFI MALEKZADEH
Head of Sales, Denmark
B.Sc. Global business engineering
Direct Phone: +45 89 88 35 00;
Mobile: +45 31 61 81 88