Thurne in cooperation with De Dietrich Process Systems is now offering Stainless Steel Optimix® Reactors for your multipurpose process.
The reactors are designed to be fully compatible with the DDPS product portfolio:
- Possibility of OptiMix design;
- The possibility to have the same agitation setup as in our other reactors;
- Standard MDL drives are used;
- Possibility to choose from several material grades like 316L, C22, 904L;
- No limitations in construction: jacket, half coils, etc. are possible;
- Compatibility with other reactor systems, spare parts could be used throughout different reactor systems.
Main recommendation:
DDPS offers a custom-made Stainless-steel reactor for heavy-duty applications (pressurized reactors and demanding applications), where quality and lifetime expectancy is in focus for
the fine chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
Read more about the equipment.
Please contact the Thurne specialist for any further information or for a quotation.

Richard Alim
Product Sales ManagerRICHARD ALIM
Product Sales Manager
M.Sc. Chemical Engineering
Direct phone +46 8 55 76 93 48
Mobile +46 76 516 72 37

Olli-Pekka Tikkanen
Product Sales ManagerOLLI-PEKKA TIKKANEN
Product Sales Manager
B. Sc. Chemical Engineering
Mobile: +358 40 730 8464

Andris Putnins
Product Sales ManagerANDRIS PUTNINS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science
Direct Phone: +371 6616 3763
Mobile: +371 2689 6799