Thurne in cooperation with Quadro Engineering Corp. introducing the world’s most advanced benchtop, a lab-sized multi-purpose powder milling and screening platform. The SLS – Scalable Lab SystemTM facilitates five powder processing capabilities in one machine.
The SLS will help you to achieve:
- Reduced capital investment & cost of ownership by up to 75%.
- Process samples as small as 5gm with minimal loss or up to 100 kg/hr – 95% product recovery for most products.
- Protection of heat-sensitive products during milling.
- Unparalleled scalability. PSD and capacity scalable with simple operating parameters.
More information read here.
Are you interested in unparalleled milling flexibility and improved powder processing efficiency in the lab? Please contact the Thurne specialist for any further information or for a quotation.
We are always here to help you and to find the best solution.

Carolina Nealis
Product Sales ManagerCAROLINA NEALIS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering
M.Sc. Macromolecular Materials
Mobile: +46 (0) 735985448

Rolf Sundström
Product Sales ManagerROLF SUNDSTRÖM
Head of Sales, Finland
B.Sc. Automation
Mobile: +358 45 110 2337

Andris Putnins
Product Sales ManagerANDRIS PUTNINS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science
Direct Phone: +371 6616 3763
Mobile: +371 2689 6799