Featuring: Interchangeable Milling Modules
Fitzpatrick and Quadro have recently developed and introduced the new SLS – including five material processing and milling solutions:
FitzMill L1A Comminutor; Quadro’s U5 and U5 High Efficiency Comil, FlexSift S5 and H5 High Energy API Comil.
The SLS highlights:
• Ability to alternate between five milling solutions in minutes
• Cost effective – buy only the processing modules you need, add modules in the future!
• Utilizes smart-detect, a unique lab equipment feature that automatically ensures the appropriate speed range is fixed by recognizing the head being installed
• PSD and Capacity scalable with simple operating parameters transfer from small sample R&D tests to full-scale production machines.
• Suitable for dry milling and/or wet material conditioning, as standalone or to complement lab-scale wet granulation systems
• Process samples as small as 5 grams with minimal loss or product retention, or as large as+100 kg/hr for certain products & models