THURNE in cooperation with ANDRITZ SEPARATION presents separation and drying equipment. With the world´s most comprehensive portfolio of separation technologies and services, we are well-positioned to provide the right solution for any type of mechanical or thermal separation challenge.
Our product range:
- Filter centrifuges
- Disc and drum filters
- Separators
- Dynamic Crossflow filters
- Belt filters
- Filter presses
- Decanter centrifuge
- Fluid bed dryers
- Plate dryers
- Helix dryers
Your benefits:
- Tailor-made systems to meet your demand.
- Maximum energy efficiency from optimized process configuration
- Low costs over the entire life cycle
- Extensive test facilities to resolve your specific separation/drying challenge
- Market leader in separation/drying equipment with over 150 years of experience.
Fully automated equipment is available. The equipment can be designed as per requirement. Link to pdf document: Separation brochure
Please check the new innovation Magnetic Separator. Main applications: proteins, enzymes, antibodies, and magnetic particles. Link to pdf document: Magnetic separator
Would you like to know more about this product scope or discuss your future projects? Please contact the Thurne specialist for any further information or for a quotation.
We are always here to help you and find the best solution.

Martin Holmen
Product Sales ManagerMARTIN HOLMEN
Product Sales Manager
M.Sc. Market Economy
Direct phone: +46 855 769 347
Mobile: +46 7 6517 2007

Henrik Packalén
Product Sales ManagerHENRIK PACKALÉN
Product Sales Manager
Mobile: +358 50 477 5177

Andris Putnins
Product Sales ManagerANDRIS PUTNINS
Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science
Direct Phone: +371 6616 3763
Mobile: +371 2689 6799