Continuous liner head

Liner carriers, on the one hand, form the interface between the outlet and the continuous film package and guarantee otherwise appropriate handling and protection. For each application specific requirements apply which we have taken into consideration when designing our standard carriers. This way, we can ensure maximum operational safety and easy of use. In addition to standardized carriers, we also design customized solutions specifically to suit your system.


Application areas:
– Discharge facilities
– Discharging of API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), toxic and highly reactive products
– Isolator and cleanroom applications
– Primarily medium pack
– Waste-port
– Product transfer
– Sampling


More information on manufacturer`s website:


Continuous liner system


If you have any questions please don`t hesitate to contact Thurne specialist directly:

Thurne Baltic

Andris Putnins
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science

Phone number

Direct phone: +371 6616 3763 Mobile phone: +371 2689 6799

Thurne Denmark

Thurne Finland

Jari Valkama
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager M. Sc. Chemical Engineering

Phone number

Mobile phone: +358 40 869 7736

Thurne Sweden, Norway

Magnus Karlström
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Phone number

Direct phone: +46 8 5576 9333 Mobile phone: +46 709 326 731

Thurne Poland

Robert Trambacz
Head of Sales, Poland
Head of Sales, Poland M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Phone number

Mobile phone: + 48 505 558 761