Flexible, robust and FDA Compliant. Our compensators provide the flexibility to eliminate misalignment issues or provide connections to process equipment with strict weighing requirements. With this in mind the manufacturing of compensators and bellows is maintained to the highest requirements and highest quality.
Bioprocess, Bulk material handling solutions, Chemical, Components, Components, Contained powder handling, Contained product handling, Fine Chemical, Food & Beverage, Groups, Hydrometallurgy, Industries, Pharmaceutical, Powder handling, Powder handling, Powder processing equipment engineering, Powder transfer solutions, Refineries and polymer industries, SolutionsCompensators and bellows are mainly used for the final connection between transfer chutes and process equipment. We have a complete range of injection mould tooling for the manufacture of different lengths and thicknesses of compensators and bellows. Confidence that the internal diameter of the compensator matches the process chutes eliminates the occurrence of crevices or ledges, which ensures effective WIP/ CIP without disassembling.
The material hardness is between 30 and 75 Shore. Our product range spans from DN 100 to DN 300 conforming to DIN 32676 up to DN 200 and 85 4825 up to DN 300. Compensators and bellows come as standard in FOA Compliant white and black EPDM and Viton. FDA approved Silicone can be supplied on request or for particularly aggressive duties FFKM or FFPM elastomers are available.
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