We can offer suitable support plates or grids made from a wide range of materials, i.e. ceramic (ACIDUR® special stoneware), metal (steel, stainless steels, alloys and others) or synthetic materials (PE,PP, PVC, C-PVC, PVDF, PTFE and others) for almost any application.
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If you have any questions please don`t hesitate to contact Thurne specialist directly:
Thurne Baltic

Product Sales Manager
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science
Phone number
Direct phone: +371 6616 3763 Mobile phone: +371 2689 6799Thurne Finland

Product Sales Manager
B. Sc. Chemical Engineering
Phone number
Mobile phone: +358 40 730 8464Thurne Sweden, Norway

Product Sales Manager
Industrial Engineering
Phone number
Direct phone: +46 (0)8 - 55 76 93 37 Mobile phone: +46 70 781 37 80Thurne Poland

Head of Sales, Poland
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering