SiC CORRESIC Plate Heat Exchanger
CORRESIC silicon carbide plate heat exchangers are adapted to the heating and cooling of highly corrosive and/or oxidizing chemicals.
Bioprocess, Chemical, Condensing, Cooling and Heating, Fine Chemical, Food & Beverage, Groups, Heat Exchange, Heat Exchange Equipment, Heat exchanger for corrosive media, Heat exchanger for corrosive media, Heat exchanger for corrosive media, Hydrometallurgy, Industries, Pharmaceutical, Refineries and polymer industries, SiC Heat Exchanger, SolutionsThis design is the most compact and most efficient type of silicon carbide heat exchangers. Our CORRESIC silicon carbide plate heat exchangers are composed of many thin, slightly separated silicon carbide plates that have very large surface areas and small fluid flow passages for heat transfer. Heat is transferred by conduction through the silicon carbide plates material.
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