Sampling Isolator
Dec provide custom designed isolators for dispensing and/or sampling from various containers such as bags and drums into intermediate packagings or for direct charging into process equipment. These systems offer high containment and a controlled environment offering fast cleaning and drying features allowing for swift product changes.
Sampling Bottle Glove-Box. When sampling toxic powder, it is required to connect and remove the bottles in a contained manner. Dec can provide compact and ergonomic glove boxes for the integration of the sampling bottle providing high containment of less than 0.1 µg /m3. The glove box can be either passive or with an active filtration and ventilation system and includes RTP or airlock system for the introduction and removal of the bottles.
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Thurne Baltic

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Direct phone: +371 6616 3763 Mobile phone: +371 2689 6799Thurne Denmark
Thurne Finland

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Mobile phone: +358 40 869 7736Thurne Sweden, Norway

Phone number
Direct phone: +46 8 5576 9333 Mobile phone: +46 709 326 731