Packaging system (ACUBE-PRO)

ACUBE is an integrated single-use containment system that typifies a clever and purposive further development of a flexible packaging unit. It complies with all customer needs relating to primary packaging as well as tertiary packaging.


The unique Single-Use System with process capabilities, blending with ACUBE Pro.
– all-in-one FIBC as handling and blending container
– handling frame with stabilizing plates
– semi-automatic stretching of the container
– integrated containment interface
– individual integration to the customer’s blender device
– mobile trolley


More information on manufacturer`s website:




If you have any questions please don`t hesitate to contact Thurne specialist directly:

Thurne Baltic

Andris Putnins
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science

Phone number

Direct phone: +371 6616 3763 Mobile phone: +371 2689 6799

Thurne Denmark

Thurne Finland

Jari Valkama
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager M. Sc. Chemical Engineering

Phone number

Mobile phone: +358 40 869 7736

Thurne Sweden, Norway

Magnus Karlström
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Phone number

Direct phone: +46 8 5576 9333 Mobile phone: +46 709 326 731

Thurne Poland

Robert Trambacz
Head of Sales, Poland
Head of Sales, Poland M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Phone number

Mobile phone: + 48 505 558 761