Micronizing/Milling Isolator

The patented 4th generation MC DecJet isolators provide full containment of highly active and/or sterile compounds thus offering both operator and product protection. The MC DecJet micronizing and containment range (from MC DecJet 30 to MC DecJet 400) is the perfect union of years of experience as user and provider of micronizing and containment technologies.


The patented 4th generation MC DecJet isolators provide full containment of highly active and/or sterile compounds thus offering both operator and product protection. The MC DecJet micronizing and containment range (from MC DecJet 30 to MC DecJet 400) is the perfect union of years of experience as user and provider of micronizing and containment technologies.

The attained experience has enabled us to fully understand critical process safety aspects and the mutual influence the environmental control and the micronizing process have on each other. Isolators can be designed either as flexible, semi-rigid or rigid wall systems, fully modular allowing for the integration of a Co-mill for pre-milling the materials or interchangeability between various MC DecJet sizes or different types of mills such as an universal mill.


More information on manufacturer`s website:


Micronizing/Milling Isolator


If you have any questions please don`t hesitate to contact Thurne specialist directly:

Thurne Baltic

Andris Putnins
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Materials Science

Phone number

Direct phone: +371 6616 3763 Mobile phone: +371 2689 6799

Thurne Finland

Jari Valkama
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager M. Sc. Chemical Engineering

Phone number

Mobile phone: +358 40 869 7736

Thurne Sweden, Norway

Magnus Karlström
Product Sales Manager
Product Sales Manager B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Phone number

Direct phone: +46 8 5576 9333 Mobile phone: +46 709 326 731