Granulation dryer for continuous operation
– Combination of convection and contact drying.
– Process management at low temperatures.
– Gentle product treatment.
– Simultaneous product granulation possible.
– Reliable reproducibility of product quality.
– Suitable for stripping processes.
– High system availability.
The granulation dryer is designed for continuous operation. A unique property of this dryer is its combination of convection and contact drying. Adaptation of the retention time to the specific process ensures that products are dried at low temperatures, i.e. gently. At the same time, excellent granulation of the final product can be achieved. The continuous granulation dryer is particularly suitable for drying and product formulation of substances with problematic flow characteristics and a changing consistency (multi-phase process).
We develop customised solutions, adapted and optimised perfectly for your application and product, and designed for long-term use in production for any of your tasks. A consistent process design and extensive basic engineering guarantee an economic overall solution.
The granulation dryer uses the mixing and fluid process introduced by Lödige to industrial mixing technology, meaning it uses the entire mechanically generated fluid bed to support the drying process.
This intense mixing effect separates the particles in the fluid bed, thereby creating a large product surface and preventing the generation of temperature and moisture gradients in the product bed. This leads to a significant increase in the heat exchange via the heated drum walls.
The product behaviour during drying is affected by the mixing tool geometry and choppers rotating at high speed which can be activated as an option; these can be used to control the average product retention time and the retention time distribution. It is therefore possible to achieve a defined grain size distribution during granulation processes.
The system permits both contact drying under normal pressure or in an inert atmosphere and convection/contact drying in co-current and counter-current flow.
Thermal energy is applied through the jacket surfaces and high-temperature gases.
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