Separation Seminar Hanko 12/11.
A seminar organized by Thurne covers equipment solutions that help to secure a reliable and safe production environment in the processes where good corrosion-, pressure- and temperature resistance are required. The seminar will also cover solutions for a safer and dust-free environment.
Thurne has represented materials and equipment in the fine chemical industry since 1960s. This seminar will be co-operated with ANDRITZ KMPT(Krauss Maffei Process Technology), De Dietrich Process Systems, and DEC group.
Place: Hotel Regatta, Torikatu 2, Hanko
Time: Seminar: on Thursday 12.11 at 10:00 -17:00
Dinner in restaurant Origo, Satamakatu 7 at 18:00
Seminar Agenda:
09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 – 12:30 *Welcome and Introduction (Ulf Stenerhag, Managing Director, Thurne)
*Technical solutions to achieve a safer powder handling and minimizing airborn dust
(Frédéric Dietrich, CEO Dietrich Engineering Consultants sa)
*Glass-lined technology in highly corrosive processes: reactors, tanks, columns
Optimix- new solution for combining baffles, heating/cooling into process reactors
(Philippe Noël, Regional Sales Manager, De Dietrich S.A.S)
*KMPT-centrifuges (Andritz KMPT)
12:30 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 14:30 *Achieving the right particle size: Compaction, lump breaking, milling and micronization.
(Henrik Ramm-Schmidt, Branch Manager, Thurne Finland)
*Innovations in design and materials for API overhead condensers
(Jukka Hurme, Product Manager, Thurne Finland)
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee
15:00 – 17:00 *KMPT-dryer (Andritz KMPT)
*Different approaches of optimizing De Dietrich equipment in different solutions
Cleanvalve – Mixing (Philippe Noël, Regional Sales Manager, De Dietrich S.A.S)
More information: Jenny Snellman +358405675183
Registrations to [email protected]