
There will be a Tomorrow

What started as a remote flu somewhere far from our market turned the world upside down and is having a devastating impact across the world. Efforts to contain Covid-19 are vital to the health of the world’s population, especially the elderly and weak. This requires everyone to be responsible to limit the spread of the virus. 

Companies and society have taken every possible action to ensure they contribute to limiting the spread of the virus. Despite every effort, we acknowledge that most of us will, in some way, be affected by the pandemic. Some of us might be sick and some will have family members and relatives to attend. Vacation plans meant to recharge have been canceled, sporting activities are on hold and social activities stopped or moved to distant video conferencing. 

We accept that our business will be a lot tougher during the coming months. Investment projects are postponed, deliveries severely delayed and supply facilities closing to name a few challenges we need to prepare forDespite that things are highly out of the ordinary, it is important that we don’t worry about things out of our control and focus on the things that we can affect. Thurne, and the team behind the brand, contribute to fighting this crisis by helping our customers keep their operations running. Important pharmaceutical production, fine chemical and chemical processes are crucial for society. Together with our customers and suppliers, we are on a daily basis doing the impossible possible by securing the supply of critical equipment and components to the industry.  

While this will be a rough patch, there will be a tomorrow. Once it is behind us it will be exciting to see what the world looks like and how Thurne and the team behind it evolves into the new “normal”. For now, we focus on the basics, washing our hands, keeping healthy and serving our customers. 

Martin Evers







Written by:
Martin Evers
Thurne, CEO


April 17, 2020

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