Bursting Disc, SANITRX HPX II
High-performance operating capabilities, a wide range of burst ratings and durable materials make HPX rupture discs ideal for facilities where operating conditions and media change frequently. If an existing solution won’t work for your application, we can modify or redesign any of our products to match your system – or create a completely custom, one-of-a-kind solution. Our range of capabilities goes far beyond the standard product line.
• Built on years of research and development, the reverse acting HPX high-precision pressure relief devices reliably protect personnel, equipment and the environment.
• Conceived, engineered and manufactured to fit nearly any overpressure protection application in any industry, HPX rupture discs help you reduce downtime, lower maintenance costs and increase facility productivity.
• Cost-effective where others aren’t.
• High-performance operating capabilities, a wide range of burst ratings and durable materials make HPX rupture discs ideal for facilities where operating conditions and media change frequently – batch processing runs and similar operations. Additionally, the versatility of the HPX Family makes future modifications easier to incorporate in change-control procedures, no piping modifications necessary.
• If an existing solution won’t work for your application, we can modify or redesign any of our products to match your system – or create a completely custom, one-of-a-kind solution. Our range of capabilities goes far beyond the standard product line.
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