
Press release – Guided Tours ACHEMA 2018

Press release, Stockholm 18th of April 2018

Guided tours at ACHEMA in Frankfurt

On the 12th of June, Thurne arranges guided tours on ACHEMA for the fourth time in a row that allow participants to get a quick overview of process engineering solutions from raw material handling to the final product within different industries

The ACHEMA includes more than 11 exhibition halls on 140 000 square meters. Visiting an exhibition of such dimensions is for many visitors a confusing and overwhelming experience.

How will anyone be able to keep focus and select what is interesting for just his area? This question was raised by Ulf Stenerhag, Managing Director at Thurne already in 2009. Thurne, headquartered in Stockholm, delivers advanced systems, equipment and components to the process industry in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Together with its worldwide partners, they support their customers with state-of-the-art solutions for improving efficiency, safety and sustainability in various focus areas such as: Pharmaceutical, Food, Biotech, Mining & Mineral, Petrochemical and Chemical industry.

– The idea for the guided tours began to grow during my own fair visit at ACHEMA 2006: totally frustrated, I had taken a break outdoors, looked around and wondered what I was doing, says Ulf Stenerhag.

– On top of that we had been thinking about our own fair participation concept in the company for many years: How can we create value at fairs for ourselves, for our customers and for our suppliers? The result was the guided tours.

The tours will take place on Tuesday, the 12th of June 2018, in cooperation with the magazines Kemivärlden Biotech / Kemisk Tidskrift and Process Nordic as well as with the fairs Processteknik and Scanautomatic in Gothenburg.

– The tours are tailor-made for the participants in order to optimize their visit in getting a quick overview of what has happened in their process areas, especially in terms of innovations, plus that they additionally have the opportunity to exchange their knowledge with Nordic colleagues from the same industry. According to Ulf Stenerhag the guided tours solve another problem that may be specific for Nordic countries:

– Many experience probably the same as I do: it feels pretty tedious to go into a booth and ask questions, even more when there is no intention to purchase anything. I am automatically considered a potential buyer and feel uncomfortable. And I think that many visitors feel the same way.

– During a guided tour with other participants there is always someone else who asks the questions you yourself are not really comfortable with to bring up, and this helps.

The tours are suitable not only for production managers, project managers, operators and maintenance specialists but also purchasing managers. They were most positive afterwards and reported that they had experienced a very good insight into the entire process chain and which suppliers are operating in their field of interest, says Ulf Stenerhag.

More detailed information regarding the tours and a form to register online can be found on our website at

We are hoping for an equally strong participation as in 2015 where we had about 100 participants.


For more information, please contact: Ms. Vogel, Marketing Coordinator Thurne, [email protected], +46 8 5576 9343

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