We continue with our successful seminar series for the FINE CHEMICAL/CHEMICAL and PHARMACEUTICAL Industry!
Welcome to join us!
at the De Dietrich Process Systems Day
on 22nd of February at Søhuset in Hørsholm
– to learn more about Glass and Glass-lined Equipment, Filtration and Drying
– for hands-on experience of exhibition equipment
– to meet and network with colleagues in your industry
Welcome to a day with Thurne and De Dietrich Process Systems!
09.00 Registration and Welcome
09.15 Welcome to the World of De Dietrich Process Systems
10.00 Coffee Break
10.30 Glass and Glass-lined steel: remarkable materials & products
11.15 Innovation for Process Intensification: Discover how to get reliable and efficient production thanks to a Glass-lined Reactor
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Glass-Reactor Systems: Design Aspects for GMP, Safety and Explosion Protection
14.15 How to deal with solids: Separate them from suspensions, but “please” gentle and efficient? Transfer them, but “please” in a contained way?
14.45 Coffee Break
15.00 Case studies on Systems & Solutions
15.30 Open house / Networking / Exhibition
Your hosts:
Matthias Persson – Thurne Sweden
The lecturers:
Philippe Noël – Head of BU Systems
Martin Christmann – Regional Sales Manager QVF®
Jens Haverbeck – Sales Manager Filtration and Drying Equipment
until 31/12 “Early Bird” : 75,- € / person
after 1/1: 100,- € / person
company fee (up to 4 persons): 200,- €
including digital documentation, lunch & coffee breaks
register latest by 16/2-2018
LOCATION: Søhuset, Venlighedsvej 10, 2970 Hørsholm