Inversina Mixer

Using special three-dimension inversion kinematics, the Inversina offers much better results than any other blender at drastically reduced mixing times. The Inversina has been used in a variety of industries and comes in both manual or automatic models, with sizes ranging from laboratory to production scale and a large variety of accessories to fit every mixing process.


Regardless of whether powder or liquid: here nothing is shaken and nothing stirred. Our high-capacity mixer works with a special tumbling motion – a combination of side movement, inversion, and rotation – and ensures thorough blending of different mixing goods, without any use of mixing and stirring tools.

  • Perfectly homogenizes powders, solids, liquids, or suspensions
  • Ideal for mixing particles of different density, shape, or quantity (dry or liquid)
  • Gentle, reproducible, and extremely efficient
  • From laboratory to production scale
  • With sizes ranging from 2L laboratory to 350L production scale and a large variety of accessories to fit every mixing process.

More information on manufacturer`s website:

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