THURNE in cooperation with SWECO is presenting PharmASep filter/dryer for a complete containment solution in pharmaceutical application.
PharmASep™ Filter/Dryers were designed for the aseptic batch filtration and washing of pharmaceutical solids and for their further de-watering and drying. It uses gentle, patented Vibro-Energy motion to promote fluid separation at low differential pressures. The motion is then combined with a nitrogen purge to fluidize the bed of solids for gentle, efficient drying. No mechanical stirring devices are required.
The productions units can process batches of up to 25 kg (at 0.51 kg/m2 bulk density) of solids. It is also available in lab-scale sizes that can be used to process up to 1 kg.
- preparation of microspheres
- removal of microcarriers from vaccines
- production of antibiotics/steroids
- processing of sensitive of harmful products
- removal of precipitants from solution
More information is in this brochure.
More information in this video.
Would you like to know more about this product scope or discuss your future projects? Please contact the Thurne specialist for any further information or for a quotation. We are always here to help you and find the best solution.
(Sweden, Norway) Daniel Berggren
Direct Phone: +46 8 5576 9332
Mobile: +46 709 535 018
E-Mail: [email protected]
(Denmark) Rafi Malekzadeh
Direct Phone: +45 89 88 35 00
Mobile: +45 31 61 81 88
E-mail: [email protected]